Adventure Rangers

Adventure Rangers is the Royal Rangers group for boys and girls aged 12 to 14 years. Adventure Rangers have many opportunities to learn and grow as they do fun things with their friends, develop new skills, practise leadership & teamwork, and grow into the young men and women God has created them to be.

Adventure Rangers features an advancement trail that introduces rangers to a variety of new skills and fun activities with their group. The rangers learn about topics such as Archery, Canoeing, Photography, or Skateboarding. Each Adventure Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than seventy green skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all colour categories.

The Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail primarily consists of the completion of “merits”. A merit is an award earned by completing a specific list of requirements. Each step along the Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail requires the completion of a specified number of three types of merits:

  • BIBLE MERITS are earned by completing a specified number of Bible lessons. One Bible lesson is typically taught each week as part of the weekly Adventure Rangers meeting.
  • SKILL MERITS represent the fun things Adventure Rangers can do and learn. These merits are typically taught as part of the weekly meeting but can also be completed at home or with friends outside the meeting.
  • LEADERSHIP MERITS are earned periodically with your group and typically involve team building activities and personal development.

The Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail consists of three annual medals – Adventure Bronze, Adventure Silver and Adventure Gold. Each annual medal is earned upon the completion of four quarterly steps. The system is designed to be completed in three years, with one advancement step being completed each quarter and one annual medal being earned each year.

The Adventure Gold Award is the highest award earned in Adventure Rangers and is the final annual medal earned as an Adventure Ranger.